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What is foster care?Foster care is a temporary living situation for kids whose parents cannot take care of them and whose need for care has come to the attention of child welfare agency.
Who is Marland's Place?Marland’s Place is a foster placement agency in Kay County. We recruit, train and certify foster parents and then support them throughout their foster care journey. Our mission is to bring children together with nurturing families.
How long does it take to become a foster parent?The foster parent certification process typically takes 4-6 months. This process includes background checks and fingerprints, a three part interview, house assessment, training and orientation. The interview process will gather a detailed family history, financial analysis, physical and mental health history, and assessment of considertion for placement.
Why should I live on campus as a foster parent?Marland's Place has an extensive campus including a gym, family visit space, resource closet and large playground all available for our foster parents to use. We have five housing units available to foster parents looking to expand their home. These homes include three bedrooms, two full bathrooms and a large fenced in backyard. These homes give individuals who would like to foster the opportunity to have a larger home to accomodate foster children as well as place them in a community with other foster parents for support.
Can you foster and still live in your own home?Yes! In addition to offering on campus housing for foster families, we love partnering with foster families off campus. Off campus foster families receive the same perks of working with Marland’s Place such as specialized trainings, family socials and access to our 24/7 on call support!
What will foster care look like in my home?Foster care looks different in every home. Marland's Place believes finding children that will fit your family dynamic is important to the success of the placement. Families can choose genders and age ranges that are appropriate for their home. An example of this may be if you have children already in the home that just got out of diapers and you don't want to deal with diapers again, you can request a child old enough to not be in diapers. In addition to helping you find appropriate placements, Marland's Place will also help with providing clothes, shoes, car seats and beds when we have them available. It can be daunting to prepare your home for your first placement so we are here to help you through the whole process!
What does Marland's Place offer?Marland's Place supports our families through our 24/7 on-call line, monthly personalized trainings, resource closet with clothing and essentials, vast knowledge of the local resources and activities, and step by step support throughout the bridging or adoption process.
Why choose an agency over DHS?Working with an agency such as Marland’s Place can give you access to more specialized care. Our family specialists will work directly with the foster parents and DHS to ensure all the family’s needs are met such as finding counseling resources, finding child care or enrolling in school, coordinating visits and court dates and helping in any other situation that may arise. Our organization is 100% local so help is right in your backyard when you need it! In addition to this one on one support, we have built a foster family community so you can be surrounded by others in your same position ready with advice, Respite Care or even just a vent session.
How can I get involved if I don't want to be a foster parent?Marland's Place understands that foster care is not the right fit for everyone. We would love to still have your support through volunteering at our events and in our resource closet, bringing by donations of clothes and supplies for the children, bringing by donations of office supplies for the staff or through monetary donations to the organizaton. You can even sign up to become a monthly donor!
Are my donations to Marland's Place tax deductible?Yes, we are officially Marland Children’s Home Inc. DBA Marland’s Place a registered 501(c)3. This name is noted on all donation receipts and you will be able to file taxes as per usual. The name change has no effect on our nonprofit status.
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